
Saturday 28 September 2024

Short Stories - A Travel Horror and One More Scary Story

A Travel Horror

I was traveling in a vehicle. Probably a flying bus.
A few seconds before, I was still deciding about stepping into it. And so, wandering around it. Suddenly everything seems active with lots of noise. Somebody thrust me onto the bus shouting "Get in, get in'. I barely stepped into it when it started flying. 

All the vehicles around are moving with great speed. It seems everybody is banging.

"Hey you, Mister, keep to your left. Else, you will be crashed off".

I bent to my left within a scratch of a second. Otherwise, my left shoulder could have been ripped off.

"Hey, you, are you not seeing. Your right side is going to be crushed now".

A bus passed smashing my bus from the right and I escaped within a fraction of a second as I bent toward my left.

"Hey, you! Bend, bend, bend. Your head is going to be ripped off now."

I realized that some strange machine was flying over my vehicle's top banging it heavily. I bent down and saved myself by opening my eyes!!!

Another Scary Story

I was wandering with some people through some unhygienic locality in a strange place.

Suddenly, I found myself amid hills, valleys, and dark burnt furnaces. And, I realized that my co-travelers were all strangers.

Making my way through the narrow paths in their midst, I found myself alone and scared of my surroundings.
At one point, I find myself needing a path to proceed further. Someone told me to slide down a steep valley to reach my further path. It is deep below and very frightful. I can lose my grip and fall into it anytime. I get much trembling at the sight. Some person offers to help me.

And, then, I find myself sleeping on my bed.

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