
Tuesday, 29 July 2014

Short Stories- The story of an Arrogant Lion and The Clever Rabbit

Once upon a time, there lived a very proud and arrogant Lion in a forest (even now there are lions in forests). He used to hunt and kill animals irrespective of his hunger to spread fear among them and establish his supremacy and authority over them. All the animals were so much afraid of his tyranny and cruelty. They used to shiver on seeing him and escape from his sight. But often, they were unable to escape and fell prey to his clutches. They tried to request him many times not to kill them like that astray but in vain. They kept worrying how to get rid of him.

There was one clever Rabbit among them who used to give them good tips in all their bad times to solve their problems. All of the animals approached her and asked her help in getting rid of the Lion. The Rabbit told them not to worry as she would do something very soon to get rid of the Lion.

The next day, the Rabbit approached the Lion along with some other animals and put before him the reality that if he continued to kill all animals like this, one day he will be left with no animals to satisfy his hunger. The Lion realised this fact and began to think over it. Slowly, the Rabbit advised him that daily one animal will reach to him to be consumed as his food and requested him to keep satisfied with that one animal for the entire day and not to go to others' lives. She also made it clear that there will be no need for him to hunt and kill his prey. This appeared to be a very good suggestion and the Lion immediately agreed to it.

So, from that day onwards, one animal used to go to the Lion daily to satisfy his hunger and thereby save other animals from being killed unnecessarily. The Lion was very happy as he was not required to hunt for his prey and enjoyed the life joyfully for some days.

After a couple of days, the Rabbit's turn came to become his prey. The Rabbit was very happy to have his turn. She planned everything in advance and was in a very restful mood. She passed the time intentionally for sometime, so that the Lion may become restless and angry. Then slowly, she reached the Lion's den and pretended to be very weary and tense. The Lion was much impatient and angry.

"Where have you been all this time? Don't you know that I am getting hungry?" roared the Lion fiercely.

Rabbit replied pretending to be shivering " I started from house very early than others. But, midway, I was stopped by another Lion near an old well. He wanted to catch me and eat up. I requested him to leave me as I am going to satisfy the hunger of my king Lion who will be waiting for me with empty stomach. But he did not want to listen to me and tried to catch me. I managed to escape from him anyhow and all this late coming is the result of that incident. So, forgive me as it is not my fault."

The Lion got too much angry and shouted with terrible roaring "What? Do you say there is another Lion in this forest and he stopped you from coming to me? How could it be possible without my knowledge and how dare he stop you knowing that you are my food?"

Rabbit answered "Yes, my king. It is true. A Lion stopped me and he even tried to belittle you. But I told him that you are very powerful and will definitely kill him. But he only laughed and ridiculed."

"Show me that traitor immediately. I can't control my anger any more. I want to teach him a lesson just now. Lead me to him immediately" the Lion ordered the Rabbit.

So the Rabbit took the Lion with her to an old well which was very deep and had enough water in it and told him that the other Lion is presently inside that well.

The Lion immediately peeped into the well and found a lion just like him in that well. He was unable to know that it was only his image in the water.

Immediately he got fired up at the existence of a rival to him and jumped into the well without thinking any more to pounce upon his rival and kill him.

But LOL!!! It was only an image of himself in waters and as he jumped, it appeared as if that lion also was pouncing toward him. But, alas, finally he got no lion there and found himself drowned in the waters and unable to climb up. He roared for some time and then lost his life and died.

Hearing the news of their Lion's death, all the animals rejoiced and thanked the Rabbit for saving their lives. And the Rabbit was also happy to have saved their lives. Since then, they lived happily ever after.

Now, can you tell the moral of this story?
"It is not the size or strength of the body which matters. The strength of the mind matters".
Cleverness is greater than physical body strength.

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