
Thursday, 7 August 2014

Short Stories- The Story of A Dog and The Meat

All of us know that Dogs are fond of meat of dead animals. They do not leave even the bones of them. They want to taste to the last bit of it.

A very hungry Dog was once wandering in search of food all through the day and found a piece of dry
meat at some corner of a lane. It picked it up and began to lick it very satisfactorily. Other dogs were watching everything from another corner of the lane and they began running towards our Dog barking loudly. 

Sensing danger, this Dog began running quickly to escape from them. But they did not leave. They wanted to grab the piece from his mouth and so chased for a long time. Our Dog was very fast and reached a far away canal and started running on its bridge to reach the other side. He stopped for a while and looked back. He found no chasers behind and their barks were fading away. He got much relieved.

Now, he was walking slowly looking hither thither. He looked down to the river. The water was very pure and standstill. Suddenly he got a glimpse of a dog in it. He looked again into the water to confirm. There he found a dog with a piece of meat in its mouth just like him. Seeing it, he got greedy and jealous. He wanted to grab that piece of meat also from that dog. He once again looked at it and found that dog also looking at him. He lost his senses and became very angry and shouted at the dog. Immediately, the piece of meat in his mouth lost the hold and fell into the waters of the canal and disappeared into the deep waters.

Our Dog was shocked at this happening. He lost even the one that he was having till now due to his greed.

So, one should not be greedy and behave senseless. This is the moral that we learn from this story.