
Tuesday, 11 March 2014

Short Stories- The Demon, A Smart Boy, and Mango Pickle

Hi, guys! Come on, let me narrate to you a story that I used to hear from my father in my childhood.

It is the story of a fearful demon, a little smart child, and how he saved his sister from the demon's captivity.

Once upon a time, there lived a family on the outskirts of a village that was nearer to the forest. The family consisted of five members: a father, one mother, one daughter, and two sons. The elder son was 7 years old and the other about 3 years old, their sister being the eldest with 12 years. As they lived in that small village, they had to go for marketing to a nearby town every month to bring the essential household items.

Now, in the nearby forest, there lived a demon who often entered the village at midday times when all were out on duty and used to catch the children from the village.

One day, this family went for marketing leaving the girl alone at home. Before going, they instructed the girl to keep all doors closed and not to open to anybody till their return. They further told her to keep the food prepared as they may get late in the evening. She agreed and kept the doors closed and indulged in her studies along with the kitchen work.

At midday, the Demon comes out of the forest as usual and wanders into the village. He finds the girl alone from the window which was left open by mistake. Immediately he enters the house breaking the window gets hold of the girl and runs into the forest. She screamed for help but there was nobody in the vicinity to help her. He takes her to his house in the forest and compels her to work for him ordering to prepare food and do all the work for him. He threatens her that if she does not obey his orders or tries to run away from the house, he will eat her up. The girl gets frightened and agrees to do all his work.

Meanwhile, the family returns home in the evening and finds the doors open. Immediately they rush into the house and shout for the girl. The boys also shouted for their sister but could not find her. They start weeping. The mother also weeps and asks her husband to go into the village and enquire about the girl. When the husband runs across the lanes shouting for the girl, somebody tells him that he heard his daughter's screams and saw the demon carrying her away from much distance. The man gets frightened at this and tells his wife about this. She begins weeping loudly striking her head. The little boy tells her that he will go into the forest and bring his sister back and asks her not to weep.

The parents get agitated with his words and tell the child that the Demon is dreadful and giant in size and very powerful and cruel. They disapprove of his going there. But the little child insists on his going saying that he and his elder brother will go to him and bring their sister back. The brother also agrees with his younger one and requests the parents to let them go. So the mother had to agree unwillingly and give them food to eat on the way as it would get the night. They take the food in their lunch boxes and leave home.

On the way to the forest, they enjoy the journey of sightseeing. The small child was very new to all this. So he used to ask many questions in his quest for knowledge at various things. Soon they entered the forest and the sun was setting. The little boy gets very hungry and wants to eat the food. So both of them sit under a tree and open their boxes to eat.

When they opened the boxes, the boys found one box filled with curd rice and a mango pickle (Aavakaya pickle) meant for the younger one and the other box with buttermilk rice mixed with a little bit of salt and there was no pickle in that box for the elder one. So the elder brother requests the younger one to give the pickle to him saying that the pickle will be very hot as it is made up of red chili powder and that curd rice itself will be very tasty without any pickle. He further tells him that it is very hard to eat buttermilk rice without some pickle added to it. The younger one agrees with him and gives the mango pickle to him. Then both of them eat the food and again start their journey towards the demon's house.

Now, they come across some small babies of pigs in the forest. The smart child asks his brother: "What are they, brother?" Brother tells him they are babies of a pig. The boy says he wants them. When his brother does not agree to catch them, he weeps and demands his mango pickle back. The brother scolds him saying how could he return back the pickle which was already eaten by him. But the younger one does not accept and demands either to catch the pig babies or to return back his pickle. So the brother had to catch the babies. He ties them with a towel and gives them to the child.

They proceed some distance where they find some black big ants. Again he asks his brother: "Brother, what are they?" Brother replies: "They are ants. If they bite, you can not bear the pain." But, the younger one was determined. He demands to catch them in his empty lunch box or else return back his pickle. So the elder one catches them carefully with a cloth and puts them into the box.

Again they set forth and traveled some distance. There they come across a well. A rope made of jute was hanging to the well and tied to a bucket. Again the boy asks what is it. Brother replies it is a rope used for drawing water from the well. He says that he wants the rope. Brother scolds him angrily asking what he will do with it. But the child demands that he requires it or else to return back his mango pickle. The elder gets very angry, but controls himself and stealthily goes to the well and brings the rope to him.

They again resumed the journey and they were getting very tired by now. Just then an ass goes that way. The small boy again asks his brother what it is. Brother says it is an ass and if it kicks, the bones will get fractured. The little boy says it is needed by him as he has got tired and can't walk anymore. The brother again scolds him. But he would not listen and demand for the ass or else return his mango pickle. The elder gets very irritated and shouts angrily. But the child was not afraid. He keeps on demanding. So he has to catch the ass. Then the small boy sits on it and asks his brother also to sit on it. He sits unwillingly and they proceed towards the demon's house.

After passing some more distance, they come across a woman selling curd in a pot. The small boy again asks his brother for the curd. They purchase the whole curd along with the pot. They keep the pot on the back of the ass holding it carefully and at last, they see some light burning from a house. They reached it and found it to be the demon's house.

They enter into the house. The demon was out at that time and their sister was cooking food in the kitchen. Seeing her brothers there, she gets terrifically afraid and asks them why they had come there. The small one tells her that they came to take her home. She gets more alarmed and tells them that if the demon sees them, he will eat them up instantly. She asks them to hide themselves immediately in the attic of the room as the demon will be there in a few moments. So they climb up along with their ass and all their belongings and hide themselves in a dark place.

The Demon arrives and as he is very hungry asks for food. The girl immediately makes him sit under the attic, serving the food on a large plate from big giant bowls. Her brothers view the demon and those giant heaps of food from their hideout with astonishment. Meanwhile, the demon smells something wrong. He complains of a human smell touching his nose. The girl immediately replies that she is a human being and he might be getting her smell. He thinks she is right and starts eating.

Meanwhile, the small boy in the attic tells his brother that he has to pass number one. The brother asks him to hold for some time till the demon leaves. But he could not stop and it fell onto the demon's plate. He asks the girl what it was that was falling from above. She trembles for some time but immediately replies that it might be the oil placed in the attic saying that some mouse could have spilled it. So he eats silently.

After some time, the small boy tells his brother that he cannot keep silent for so long and wants to sing. The brother asks him to sing within himself. But the child starts singing loudly and the demon shouts who it is. Immediately the boy shouts more loudly asking the demon who he is to ask such a question. The demon replies "I am a Demon". Immediately the smart boy replies with an even more harsh and loud voice that he is a "Super Demon". Now the demon gets confused and begins thinking what could be a Super Demon.

The smart boy throws the baby pigs upon the demon and shouts 'See these lice from my hair'. The demon gets stunned by so big lice. Then the boy throws the rope upon him and shouts "See my hair". The demon gets frightened at so long and strong hair. Then the boy shouts again "I want to spit on you" and empties the curd from the pot onto his head. The demon begins trembling at this. Then the smart boy puts the ants into the ear of the ass and it begins making a very violent noise due to the pain created by the biting of the ants. The demon is unable to bear the sounds and gets afraid that the super demon must be really a great thing and it will definitely kill him. So he immediately starts running from there without turning back and leaves the forest forever.

Now the boys get down from the attic and their sister embraces them and pats the little boy with gratitude and love. Then they return home and the girl tells their parents all that happened. All of them are pleased at the little boy's smartness and cleverness and give him plenty of love and blessings and gifts and all of them live happily ever after.

From this story, we can learn that wisdom and smartness are more powerful than physical strength. That is why even a small boy succeeded in driving away a giant and strong-bodied demon.

The mango pickle was simply a tool he adopted to tease his brother and get all the requirements for his smart idea of driving away the demon. Otherwise, the elder brother would not have helped him in getting all those pig babies, rope, curd, ants, and ass for his plan. Cleverness can solve any kind of problem. This is the essence of this story.

I hope all of you liked this story. Kindly leave your comments below.